
Dear Husband Of Mine… personal

To think that I wrote this last year. I still feel the same 😉

a cooking pot and twisted tales

Sometimes, I keep quiet
Searching for the words
To say that I love you.

Sometimes, my heart combusts
With the fullness
Of knowing you.

Sometimes, I doubt if word’s
Can really say
What I feel for you.

These times,
I utter words of thanks
To God who brought you to me.

Sometimes, I love you
Seems to be so small
A word for what you mean to me.

You mean the World
And so much beyond
My husband. You are a good man.

This time
I can’t keep quiet
But shout it from the rooftops.

Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

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12 thoughts on “Dear Husband Of Mine… personal

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..