Writers Quote Challenge · Writing

The Bitter Truth…Writer’s Quote Challenge


“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” Seneca

I’ve written and deleted my post many times, not because I’m at loss for words but because the spurious well of churning words seeking to escape my thoughts are so disjointed that I don’t even know how to bridle them.

I will borrow the quote Bernadette gave for the writer’s quote inaugural week to try and cobble my words together. How apt this quote is for this tumultous week of new beginning. Is this the beginning to the end of things? Only time will tell.


You feign that you care about others

while in the secrecy of your dark soul

you wish to take away the rights of other living souls

You feign that you are a free world

while in the darkness of your fields

lie the spirits of broken men

You ache to regain toe hold

over your reign of terror on people’s lives

when you could whip them into submission to your will

You ache that things should be 

the way they were before

when others had to cower before you in fear

You remember your days of old glory

your days of supremacy 

and you want to reconstitute your free lynching 


The truth is that

you will never gain back that 

which your hateful soul desperately seeks

The truth is that

times have moved on and so will it remain

‘cos no one is going to cower in fear of your bullying and cowardice

The truth is that

no one is going to stay at the back of the bus any more

while old men steer us to destruction

The truth is that 

this is the dawn of a new beginning

and may well be the start of a revolution.

The truth is that 

no matter how you strive to keep others down

the fighting spirit of a free soul will always rise against you.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Please join us for the reconvened Writer’s Quote Challenge that Bernadette, Haddons Musings and I have started. We would love to have you with us. Check this link for details.


29 thoughts on “The Bitter Truth…Writer’s Quote Challenge

  1. Thank you for sharing your concerns and convictions with such passion. The world may be entering into a new era of backward-thinking ideals but there is a God in heaven who is sovereign. The onus is upon us, God’s people, to call upon him, seek his miraculous intervention and trust him to cause ALL things to work together for our good and for our welfare.

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