My Thinking Corner

Greatness is a choice – My Thinking Corner

Your Greatness, Your Dreams, Your Life, Quotes, Life Lessons, Wisdom, Motivation and Inspiration

The unblemished truth about our lives is that we are who we think we are, therefore, if we are dissatisfied with who we are in our present time, then we must change our thinking.

Reaching for the greatness in you is a choice. The greatness is a given, but it takes your service to bring it out. You’ve got to run after it.

It’s easy to sit down and make wishes, but success is achieved by ordinary people who make fewer excuses, who procrastinate less. The small things in life add up to the bigger picture, each day counts. Everything you do must be done to the best of your ability, even in the smallest things like picking up your own trash.

Show up every day for life with your best attitude and leave the rest for the power higher than you. Life takes notice and the Universe rewards.

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