Positive Affirmation Challenge

What About You? Affirmation Challenge Day 6

Each day, I’ll choose to believe in myself and to give myself all the chances that I need even if I have to press the reset button 99.9 times. I believe in abundance and not in scarcity. Jacqueline

Abundance mentality

#Thepowerofpositivethinking, #positiveaffirmations, #abundancementality, #findinggreaterjoy, #Believe

Excellent Quote From Yesterday:

 “The Lord Will Fight for You. You need only Be Still.” – Exodus 14:14

At Times we want the world to move according to our schedule, our wants and needs, our whims. But when we try to solve problems without prayer and Gods Guidance, our burdens are too much. While others break without God’s strength, we stay standing, God is our Rock, and the one who will fight for us, even though this means we must relinquish control. For any human who prays and asks for Gods guidance, you can be sure God’s Support will provide relief. His answers are unexpected and sometimes, an outright ‘no.’ But often when we don’t receive everything we desire at present it’s to receive greater things ahead of us! Things that lack the suffering of our old desires.

P.S. If you wish to join this positive affirmation challenge running for 90 days, please add your quote to the comments and each day, I’ll share everyone’s quote with their links.