Author · Book


I would like to crave your indulgence and support. You know the greatest hurdle that lies before any indie-writer is not about getting the book written and published; it’s selling the book. Marketing is a humungous task.

Help, Assistance, Support, Community

Most of us would be enthralled to simply focus on spewing out the words and hoping the books will somehow sell themselves, unfortunately in the self-publishing business, it simply doesn’t work that way and all the best wishes from others don’t sell any books. What works is a pragmatic approach.

As most of you know, I just published my second poetry book ‘Unbridled,’ and going by experience gained from the first book Out of The Silent Breath – which was supported by several friends in this space and helped to instil my confidence to forge ahead – I have to buckle down, dig in my heels and jump into doing the needful.

As we speak, I am still learning the ropes, this is why I turn to all my friends in Bloglandia since I don’t have funds to run big marketing campaigns.

I am trying to create a buzz around ‘Unbridled,’ and would appreciate any support and leg up that I can get from all of you.

Would you be willing to grant me and my book an audience in your blog space, in any form that you deem suitable, such as book feature, blogger interview, book tour, book review etc? Also, if you’ve got pointers in any direction – authors/bloggers who support fellow authors, I would be glad to go begging cap in hand 😉

I understand that asking for support might be a bit imposing, but I also know that this journey is not one that I can embark on alone.

No matter how much I pride myself with the capability of pushing forward by myself, we also have an African proverb that says “if you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go together.”

I choose to go far alongside others, even if our walk may be slower. Please help. I look forward to hearing from you.

My regards,



Available in paperback on Amazon

I Am Judging You

‘Why do you write like this,

don’t you worry that people will sit and judge?’

she asked me.

‘I’ve grown too old to worry about being judged;

for judgement has been my portion for as long as I know,’

I replied.

I don’t shield my words in niceties,

afraid to cause you to blush.

I don’t say my words to cause shame,

but yes, I’m judging you.

I can’t pretend that we are friends enough

to write things only relatable

and swallow my words to please you

‘cos that would be dishonest,

I’ll be lying to myself.

Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha is a gifted word weaver whose poems are snapshot vignettes of life to which readers can relate. Her story poems transverse a range of emotions that provokes profound thoughts and evokes dreams and deep desires of the heart.  Deborah Palmer