Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Motivations and Musings 100


Life is full of crooked paths that we don’t envisage, no matter how much we plan.

Of course, there are certain things that we can take charge of and brace ourselves for incidentals, but there’s really so much that one can do.

However, when we keep our minds on a positive track, we’ll find a way through that tight and crooked path onto a more suitable highway.

Writing is not an easy path at all. It’s not a journey to instant wealth, but when we look at the fulfilment derived and also know that our works will hopefully ingrain themselves on the sands of time, that is gratification that keeps you going through this windy and tedious path.

**today I realised that this is the 100th-midnight musings post and it amazes me that I’ve been able to keep up with it** 

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

She is amazing at describing love and life in her poems. She creates such beautiful images with her words. Truly, she is a talented writer and I’m so excited to have her poetry book and to continue reading through it.

Out of the silent breath