
Unto You O’Lord – Personal

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Let us not forget to appreciate every moment that life brings our way and waste less on sweating the small stuff, because, indeed, we have no idea what the next hour has to bring not to talk about the next day, week or month.

This year has been fraught with many ups and downs, many successes and dashed hopes, but in all situations, we must give thanks and appreciate that which we have at this point in time.

Each day, I am learning that affliction and challenges are bitter parts of life, but the big question is ‘how do we handle these situations?’

How we handle these circumstances determines a lot. Our growth, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically and even financially emanates from our attitude towards the lessons that life brings us.

I have learnt to continue to speak life and positivity even when fear and doubt is digging a hole in my heart.

I’ve learnt to keep proclaiming my spirit of love and of sound mind even when I don’t understand it all and have no answers.

Unto you O’Lord, I give my all.

My heart knows gratitude that we’ve been spared tears of sorrow at this time.

My brother- in-law had a successful brain surgery and is doing well.

It is not my gratitude nor my thanks that purchased his well-being, but for the Grace of God.


If you wish to participate in a gratitude challenge, there are several gratitude/thankful platforms in the blogosphere that you can tune into and get your ithankful going on. I can’t express in words the enormity of Joy and fulfillment that comes from having a heart of gratitude. Please check out Maria’s blog, Colline’s blog and Bernadette’s for thankful/gratitude challenges.