
Books, books, books…

Books, books, books and not enough time to read them. Recent visit to Kinokuniya in Dubai where I struck up a conversation with a lovely Korean mother and daughter.

Books, books, book. So many books and so little time. My love for books goes back as far as my earliest memory can recall if not further and this love was greatly nurtured by my parents back in the days.

I can still remember how much of a treat it was when my dad would drive us to Leventis in Enugu and would ask me and my siblings to select a storybook or two per person. I would quickly scour the array of books and make my choices then find another one that was a quick read and curl up in a corner of the book nook and quickly devoured it.

Oftentimes, my dad seeing my interest would indulge me with an additional storybook.

I honestly can’t count how many Enid Blytons, Archie comics, pacesetter, Asterix, Tintin, Grimms brothers etc that I devoured.

As I grew older my reading interests grew to accommodate Mills & Boons, Harlequin, Denise Robbins, Barbara Cartland, Silhouette, James Hadley Chase and more erotic/lurid books that are best left in the annals of memory.

These books shaped and still shape my world. I have an eclectic taste in my literary interests just like in music. At some point several years back before leaving Naija, I dabbled into selling books and that’s a story for another day.

Any time I move somewhere, one of the first thing I try to locate is the library and the bookstore. Sometimes, other exigencies get in the way of my buying a book of interest but my prayer is that my love for books will never wane as we never stop acquiring knowledge till ad infinitum.