The Daily Post

Every Little Moment…

swimming duck, photograph

I sit on a bed of sand
aware of the time ticking by
nothing but the desire to empty my mind
I simply watch the waves roll by.

I stand under the drip drops of the rain
aware that the drops are soaking my hair
I couldn’t care less and stick out my tongue
to gather a couple of rain drops.

Every moment mustn’t be spent
running after ever elusive time
but being aware of the moments matter
and enjoying every bit of it counts most.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Aware – The Daily Post

15 thoughts on “Every Little Moment…

  1. Yes absolutely!
    Yesterday I had chores to do, but my body wanted me to lay down n cuddle with my daughter. So I did. It was a lovely for the few moments she was asleep.


I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..