Monday Motivations

Monday Mix

Inevitably, at many points in time, we experience the vagaries of life that draw us back. The most important factor to bear in mind ‘is to never forget to pick yourself up and to keep inching forward always.’ Jacqueline

Image result for image quotes keep moving forward


Image result for image quotes keep moving forward

Image result for image quotes keep moving forward

12 thoughts on “Monday Mix

  1. I truly believe that most people sincerely do want to keep (consciously) moving forward. However, I wonder if they’ve ever been given the tools with which to do so. For those of us that have been given the tools, I suspect those tools were gifted early in life; perhaps even by having a great example to follow, and certainly a conscientious support system.

    In my opinion, Timeline Therapy would be instrumental in assisting those who have a keen desire to learn “how” to move forward. Somewhere along their timeline there may be memories of what this looks like, feels like, provided by people they never thought had their backs. So maybe a memory jog is in order. Whatever it takes I say, with a walk along one’s timeline as one option. Finding the “how” is of the utmost. Happy New Year!

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    1. This is a wholesome comment and quite informative. I never taught of it this year and upon reflecting on this, I certainly agree that maybe those who have the tools to consciously keep moving forward where equipped with these tools in their foundation stages.
      I also believe these could be acquired through therapy, relearning and consistency and.
      May the year be good to all of us.

      Liked by 1 person

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