Guide To Better Living

Taking Care Of Your Footsies: Advice To Live By

If there is one area of the body that a large number of people make the mistake of failing to give enough TLC too, it’s the feet. For one reason or another, often our feet don’t get the care that they require to remain healthy, which can lead to a range of problems, from dry, sore feet to cracked heels and ingrowing toenails.

The issue is that a lot of women don’t know how to look after their feet properly, which can lead to a lack of proper foot care. The good news is that foot care isn’t something that it’s hard to do, it’s just a case of knowing what steps to take when it comes to giving your footsies the best care possible.

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Bearing that in mind, below are some foot care tips that foot models swear by. To keep your feet in better condition have a read of this and implement the below tips in your daily beauty and healthcare regimes. (Your feet will look and feel better for it, and they will be healthier too!)

Buy quality footwear

One of the most important things that you can do to keep your feet healthy is to buy quality footwear. The more you are on your feet each day, the more essential high-quality footwear becomes. What you want to do is research the best quality footwear and use resources like to learn more about foot health and what it takes to make smart footwear choices. If you can’t afford to spend a large sum of money on footwear or you have footwear that isn’t comfortable, the best thing to do is buy quality insoles or gel pads for your shoes. This way your feet are still getting quality support but without you having to buy new shoes.

Wash your feet properly

Feet that aren’t washed properly are prone to all kinds of problems, including athlete’s foot and other forms of food fungus. To prevent your feet from developing these kinds of conditions, ensure that you wash your feet once a day with hot water and soap and follow by drying them entirely with a clean towel. Don’t wear your trainers when damp and ensure that you always air them out after use – this helps to prevent the risk of athlete’s foot. Never wear your trainers without socks, always put on a pair of clean, cotton socks before wearing them.

Exfoliate twice a week

If you want to avoid painful cracked heels and dry feet, it’s essential that you exfoliate your feet at least twice a week. There are various foot scrubs that you can choose from, but normally a pumice stone tends to work better as these provide a more coarse surface to exfoliate with, removing more dead and dry skin than a foot scrub could do. The electronic dry skin removal machines are also great, but these are far more expensive.

Moisturise every day

Your feet are no different to the rest of your body, they require just as much moisturisation as any other body part, if not more. That’s why it’s important that you moisturise your feet once a day with a rich foot cream – the best creams to use are shea butter or argan oil-based foot creams as these provide an exceedingly high level of hydration.

There you have it, a guide to giving your feet all of the TLC that they need to remain healthy.

This is a collaborative post.

5 thoughts on “Taking Care Of Your Footsies: Advice To Live By

  1. A pretty face, a nice figure but a glance at those nasty feet turns me off; if one can’t look after their feet what does it say about the rest of their body’s hygiene…?


  2. Great post. Since our feet are at the bottom of ourselves, it’s easy to forget about or neglect them. Moisturizing them every day is a perfect idea, along with your other suggestions. I love shoes, so I owe it to my feet to take care of them. 🙂


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