
Peeking Into The Future…

Do you often wish,

that the future ahead,

you could surely foretell;

knowing every step?


I stare at the tea leaves

willing it to reveal its secrets, 

I swirl my cup gingerly

but nothing comes up.

I am not a psychic

waiting on tea leaves to tell secrets,

I possess no crystal ball

to peek and tell the future.


What would life be

if everything is known?

For the fun of living

is to unwrap each day.


2018 Jacqueline

Let me ask a pertinent question, have you ever had your tea leaves or coffee grounds read for you? I am curious.

11 thoughts on “Peeking Into The Future…

  1. No I am an old cynic but once a bedraggled old woman screwed her eyes up pointed a gnarly finger and squealed ” you girl won’t see your 3 score years” though I do not believe I was pretty worried on the run up to my 60 th birthday.


I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..