Rononvan's Weekly Haiku Challenge

Woke and Up – Ronovan Writes Weekly Haiku Challenge

Once I saw Ronovans’ prompt, woke & up, I chuckled. Getting out of bed these days has been a struggle ‘cos I’ve been sleeping unusually late. The first haiku depicts this ‘bedmatics struggle’ and the second haiku has political connotations.

Image result for don't want to get out of bed meme

The shrilling alarm woke me

but it was hard to get up,

my pillow held me down.


Image result for stay woke meme

If we don’t stay ‘woke,’

and rise up to change the paradigm

we all risk losing everything.



image credit – know your meme



9 thoughts on “Woke and Up – Ronovan Writes Weekly Haiku Challenge

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..