Poetry/Poems · The Daily Post

The Little Flame..

The Fire within, Anger, Poetry, Rage, Minor and Major, Burning


Our silence sufficed. We thought that

if we didn’t talk about those micro things

that made us uncomfortable,

they would disappear.


So, we walked the fringes of invisibility.

Hiding our thoughts from fear and shame

hoping that no one notices

the tears running down our face.


Our silence became brooding anger.

Micro things became macro things

and in the fringe of invisibility, we plotted;

fueled by the stokes of little flames.



An Igbo proverb says, ‘when we overlook the small pot, it puts off the fire.’ Never underestimate the little things, for they can become the big things.

The Daily Post – micro


10 thoughts on “The Little Flame..

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..