Hope · Poetry/Poems · The Daily Post

Steer it up….A compilation of prompts.

sea, waves, boat

Meandering through our days in pursuit of success
with ‘our hope’ the rudder that steers us along

Suddenly a rogue wave rocks our boat
and we lose our balance momentarily

We wonder if we should simply give in,
if we can ever set our rowing right

The fact is that with uncompromising faith in our focus
we can steer over, under and around the waves of life

although our movement may be staggered and messy
and success may look dim in our sight, it waits at the shore.


My target was to come up with a poem using 7 days prompt words from Daily post. I almost abandoned ship, but glad I stuck to it and only 30 minutes later, I like the message that I derived from the compilation.

10 thoughts on “Steer it up….A compilation of prompts.

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..