

Stand alone, quotes, storytelling, writing, chasing your dreams, experience, living

Never stop telling your stories.
Even if your ears
are the only ones
to hear them.



21 thoughts on “Storytelling…

  1. Just on Saturday I thought I got a sign that said stop blogging and since then I’ve been getting feedback that my blog is good enough and people would miss me and now this message from your blog that we should continue to write stories.! Is this another message I wonder?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks Jaqueline. It seems that quite a few people have responded with messages of liking my blog so it has given me some hope. Also strangely two bloggers asked to be linked with my blog as well. So as you said this may have been another message to me………..So confusing but will take things easy for a bit and not give up.

        Liked by 1 person

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..