
The Cool Kids of WordPress

Woot! Woot! I saw this list of Cool Kids of WordPress and just wanted to admire my fellow bloggers only to find little me in this list 🙂
I am wearing a big, fat, silly smile 🙂

The Cat's Write

I’ve been collecting a list of WP bloggers with an insane amount of followers who focus primarily on writing. No doubt you’ve come across most, if not all of these writerly scholars who meander about WordPress, affecting us with their Hollywood connections, best seller success, dreamy wordiness or their delicately composed poems that touch on the otherworldly.

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6 thoughts on “The Cool Kids of WordPress

  1. Hey Jacqueline what a nice recognition for you ! Miss Cool Kid on the Block. Well done you do deserve it. I think it is especially nice for you as you are a TRUE Writer, you love writing and building a community. Congrats and happy saturday. Regards Bella


  2. How lovely you got that recognition, congrats Jacqueline, you work very hard on your blogging, there’s always a “jacquelineobyikocha” post coming into my reader and every time I hit your site you always have something new going on… seems like a well deserved accolade! Keep up the good work…


I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..