
As Fresh As Thyme…

Cooking, Mashed Potatoes, Photography

In auto mode, I quickly tossed ingredients into the bubbling sauce, rehashed a passage for my book in my head while trying to pay attention to the cacophony of my children’s voices milling around me in the kitchen.

They had just returned from school, each voice was relaying some information, each child wanted some form of attention and as usual, my three ears was listening to them, responding to their inquisition, addressing the accusation from my third child that I wasn’t paying him enough attention, stirring the saucepan, figuring out my passage and reminding myself respond to that request that had just popped into my mind as a reminder…and the crazy beat went on.

Why I haven’t gone batty is a question I ponder fleetingly. When will the hecticness stop, if ever?

My bubbly sauce was almost done, all that remained was to toss in the shredded fresh thyme and as I lifted the chopping board to scoop it in, I literally heard a voice whisper in my head, ‘enjoy the time.’

I smiled at the pun, enjoy the time while scooping in the thyme, but my ever roaming mind gripped those three words and allowed it to marinate.

I realized that in the near future these young children craving my attention right now would all fly out of my coop and spread their wings.

They will go in search of their own dreams and set up their own little spaces and they won’t be underfoot in the kitchen all talking at the same time.

The thought certainly gave me pause.

It reminds me that we should appreciate and enjoy each fresh moment of time that we are given.

To catch the time and hold it as close to our heart as possible because it’s delicate and fleeting.

I am reminded to gratefully relish these moments like no other because no two moments are the same.

Shall we eat?

© Jacqueline

If you wish to participate in a gratitude challenge, there are several gratitude/thankful platforms in the blogosphere that you can tune into and get your ithankful going on. I can’t express in words the enormity of Joy and fulfillment that comes from having a heart of gratitude. Please check out Maria’s blog, Colline’s blog and Bernadette’s for thankful/gratitude challenges.

19 thoughts on “As Fresh As Thyme…

  1. Honestly honey try really hard to enjoy each moment while they are young, the time passed so quickly. I can’t believe my daughter is 37 and my son 35, it seems like yesterday they were coming home from school with tales of their day to tell me. Now they have kids of their own. But the hectic stuff? No it doesn’t go away, just changes into a different kind!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely, Jacque. Take thyme and marinate; good advice. And you are right about enjoying those children now. When they are gone, they are generally gone for longer than you want. My two sons were at my house last night. Doesn’t happen often but it was good. One brought his guitar and sang songs from back forty years or so. I basked in enjoyment.

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  3. Lately I love thyme also – and wish I could get back those precious times when my guys tormented me 24/7. Perhaps it’s idyllic timing, but this is one of your most savory posts, jacqueline 😀


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