
Essential Writers’ Tips 7

Essential Writers Tips, Improve, Editing, Writer, Professional Writer, Criticism, Alpha Beta Readers, Publishing, Prepare

To Improve, Prepare Yourself For Punishment

A great part of writing and being a writer involves criticism.  A lot of time, we are afraid of having our work scrutinized constructively by others that we pass up opportunities to have them take a carving knife to our revered work.

However, to effectively improve your writing, you have to take certain steps that would certainly cause you to cringe.

If you can afford a professional writer or editor, pay them to look at your work and give you critical feedback without sweetening it. The tougher the criticism, the more helpful for you in the longer run.

The narrow road of the publishing industry is full of rejections and criticisms from publishing houses, editors, agent etc and the sooner your mind opens up to such circumstances the better accustomed you become. Read More

3 thoughts on “Essential Writers’ Tips 7

  1. Oh, but I hate sacrificing my words to make room for more appropriate words. But I love all that alliteration (for example) even if it does detract from thought – all that kind of stuff I don’t like to do to myself! Boy I destroyed that sentence, didn’t I?


I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..