Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

Facing The Screen – Stream of Consciousness Saturday

I think that I may need to look into anti-glare for my laptop screen because it hurts my eyes at times, but I am not going to dwell on that right now ‘cos I’ve got to write in a hurry before I rush off to a last minute dress rehearsals.socsbadge2016-17

The Stream of Consciousness prompt for today, ‘screen’ brings the thought of the fashion show that I am participating in today to my mind.

I am almost as jumpy as a cat and have asked myself a thousand times if I thought through this very well before deciding to jump on a modelling wagon.

There will be lots of paparazzi camera screens capturing our wobbly strut down the ramp for providence and you know the screen of the camera can be merciless in picking up every stumble that you make.

Now wish me luck as I put on my game face to face all the intruding screens and hope to walk a straight line without melting into a nervous puddle. I will share my daring venture with you once I survive it 😉

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

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30 thoughts on “Facing The Screen – Stream of Consciousness Saturday

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..