
We Never Know…

On Wednesday an Emirates plane crash-landed at DXB tarmac and burst into flames. Thankfully, all 300 passengers made it out alive but it was all so surreal to me.

It felt surreal because less than half-an-hour before the incident occurred, I had just picked up my husband from a long haul 19hrs flight from the US where he went for an Award ceremony – he’s also an award recipient. As we watched the plane blaze on television, I couldn’t even imagine the horror the passengers must have felt when they knew that their plane was going to crash-land.

It dawned on me that though a minute might seem so small, a minute can change everything. Things that we take for granted like a loved one saying, “see you soon,” just the way my husband did before he boarded his flight in NewYork, might very well be the last words exchanged forever.

It drew it close home to my mind that not only should we live fully in the moments that we are given – not just existing, but love living and never fail to let those who are dear to us know how we feel about them. I am not trying to sound like a prophetess of doom but to face the reality of the life that we live.

I am grateful that the crashed plane’s situation was contained and well managed. I am grateful for my husband’s safe return even as I watch him reschedule his travel plans to Lisbon since all flights from Dubai have been suspended in the interim. I hold onto hope that as Grace kept him and brought him home safely, journey mercies will also proceed to Portugal with him.

Let us never forget that a thankful and grateful state of mind is to have a great attitude and a whispered prayer that keeps our earnest hope bright in our hearts.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

P.S: There are several gratitude/thankful platforms in the blogosphere that you can tune into and get your ithankful going on. I can’t express in words the enormity of Joy and fulfillment that comes from having a heart of gratitude. Please check out Maria’s blog, Colline’s blog and Bernadette’s for thankful/gratitude challenges.


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38 thoughts on “We Never Know…

  1. Very true words Jacqui. Someone we know of was on that flight with her 2 children and it was absolutely terrifying. I am so glad you hubby made it home safe and pray that he continues to remain safe on his future travels. God bless!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. So glad your husband made it home safely. You’re so right Jacqueline, we just never know what’s around the corner and should never miss the chance to tell those we love how we feel. Life’s short too short and unpredictable. xox

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I indeed thank God for his safe return. I have just got news of an accident along the road that my husband travelled and I am praying for his safety since I have not heard from him since yesterday and the phone is off. All we can do is place them in God’s hands

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I am thankful to God that a horrific disaster was averted, there’s so much bad news already.

    Life is so unpredicatable though, one minute one is so certain of the future and the next minute, poof!


  5. It is at times of very vivid awareness like you experienced that ordinary thankfulness for your husband’s safe return turns into a very emotionally felt gratitude. You expressed that very well.


  6. First, congrats to your husband for being a award recipient. Second, it’s a miracle that the passengers survived the crash landing, however, unfortunate the firefighter lost his life. Third, we have to cherish every moment of our lives.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I had shivers reading this post. We so easily forget how fleeting our comfort and life in general is. Thank God your hubby returned unscathed. Prayers for the families of the crash and the First Responders.


  8. Wow! Those close calls really hit home! They remind me of the ones that aren’t so obvious, like maybe we’re frustrated because we’re a few minutes late, but maybe those few minutes enabled us to avoid an accident and we’ll just never know how close we came.

    I’m glad everyone was okay. I’m thankful your husband was okay, and I’ll be praying for his safe travels. Congratulations to him on his award!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I’m happy in both situations, your husband in his travels(congratulations on his accomplishments and having a lady like you by his side), and those abroad the flight in Dubai were giving grace and traveling mercies. You are correct, we should have a thankful heart. We also must continually recognize nothing should be taken for granted and each moment is precious. There’s so much to be thankful in the simplicity of life.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. So glad that your husband is safe, and that the people on the place came through unscathed!
    An inspiring, moving post, and a very timely reminder to count our blessings and to cherish the gift of love which we have in our lives

    Liked by 1 person

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