Hope · Inspiration - Motivation · Midnight motivation and musings · Self Help · Weave that Dream

Midnight Motivations and Musings #4


This is self-explanatory isn’t it?

The more you hold on to hope, no matter how tiny, the more it brims over.

Don’t allow the voice of pessimism drag you down and as much as possible, don’t engage in feeding yourself with all the negative back talk nor absorb other people’s negative diatribes.

It’s their opinion and it doesn’t have to be yours.

Remember that there is power in the tongue and the words you speak into your life, embeds in your mind. If therefore you keep speaking negative words, that negativity squashes any seed of hope planted in you.

Hold on to your hope. In everything!

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

14 thoughts on “Midnight Motivations and Musings #4

I love it when you decorate my heart with your words..